
AI Style Generator: Part 5 (Solution)

You can find a summary of the code updates in this pull request . Read on for explanations.

1. Restructure components

To keep QuoteContent from being bogged down in too many details, let’s make a new QuoteDetails component.

Rename QuoteContent

QuoteContent’s role is not going to be display the quote’s content anymore – that’s going to fall to QuoteDetails. For a more accurate name, let’s rename QuoteContent to QuoteDisplay.

For this, we’ll have to rename the directory QuoteContent to QuoteDisplay, and QuoteContent.tsx to QuoteDisplay.tsx. Since we weren’t using QuoteDisplay.module.css anyway, I removed that file and its import.

We also need to rename the component from QuoteContent to QuoteDisplay within the files, and update src/app/page.tsx to use the new component name.

You may have VSCode set up to update the import locations when filenames change; if you don’t then you’ll have to update the imports in src/app/page.tsx and src/components/QuoteDisplay/index.ts as well.


export * from "./QuoteDisplay";
export { default } from "./QuoteDisplay";


export interface QuoteDisplayProps {
  // ...
function QuoteDisplay(
  { status, quoteProperties, error }: QuoteDisplayProps
) {
  // ...
export default QuoteDisplay;


import Button from "@/components/Button";
import QuoteDisplay from "@/components/QuoteDisplay";
import Separator from "@/components/Separator";
import useQuoteStyles from "@/hooks/use-quote-styles";
export default function Home() {
  // ...
  return (
      {/* ... */}

Create QuoteDetails

Then, the QuoteDisplay component can return QuoteDetails (instead of a Card) when quoteProperties is truthy. The QuoteDetails component can take quoteProperties as a prop.

Because QuoteDetails will never be loaded from any component other than QuoteDisplay, QuoteDetails.tsx and QuoteDetails.module.css should be placed directly in the QuoteDisplay folder, and not given their own folder. For more on why, check out Josh W. Comeau’s post on Delightful File Structure .

The files can start with the usual default content from new-component .


.wrapper {


import React from 'react';
import styles from './QuoteDetails.module.css';
export interface QuoteDetailsProps {};
function QuoteDetails({}: QuoteDetailsProps) {
  return <div className={styles.wrapper}></div>;
export default QuoteDetails;

Move Card

The whole reason we created QuoteDetails is so that it can contain all the messy details of the font and the properties table that we’re going to write in this workshop.

For now, we only have the Card displaying the quote in QuoteDisplay. Let’s move that to QuoteDetails in anticipation of adding lots more code to QuoteDetails eventually.


// ...
import type { QuoteProperties } from "@/types";
import Card from "../Card";
import styles from './QuoteDetails.module.css';
export interface QuoteDetailsProps {
  quoteProperties: QuoteProperties;
function QuoteDetails(
    { quoteProperties }: QuoteDetailsProps
) {
  const { quote, colors } = quoteProperties;
  return (
    <div className={styles.wrapper}>


// ...
import QuoteDetails from "./QuoteDetails";
// ...
function QuoteDisplay(
  { status, quoteProperties, error }: QuoteDisplayProps
) {
  // ...
  if (quoteProperties) {
    return <QuoteDetails quoteProperties={quoteProperties} />;
  // ...

2. Load the font

This workshop would be a lot more difficult if it weren’t for use-googlefonts . This package loads a Google font dynamically based on the font name so the page can use the font – exactly what we need.

First we need to install the package:

npm install @flyyer/use-googlefonts

Then we need to import and call useGoogleFonts in QuoteDetails.tsx. Since the spec asked for a weight of 400, the call looks like this:


import { 
} from "@flyyer/use-googlefonts";
// ...
function QuoteDetails(
    { quoteProperties }: QuoteDetailsProps
) {
  const { quote, colors, fontName } = quoteProperties;
  const font = useGoogleFonts([
      family: fontName,
      styles: [400],
  // show an error if the call failed
  if (font.status === GoogleFontsStatus.FAILED) {
  // ...

3. Apply the font

Now that the font is loaded for the page, we can apply it with CSS. We’ll pass a style prop to Card, and – thanks to our work in a previous workshop series – the font styles will be merged with the other Card styles.


export function QuoteDetails(
  { quoteProperties }: QuoteDetailsProps
) {
  // ...
  const fontStyle = {
    fontFamily: fontName,
  return (

Avoid FOUT

To avoid FOUT (Flash of Unstyled Text) before the font is ready, we’ll conditionally define the text color for the card to be:

  • the background color while the font.status value is GoogleFontsStatus.LOADING (if the text color is the same as the background color, the result will look like a blank card)
  • the actual text color if font.status is anything other than GoogleFontsStatus.LOADING (this will allow the quote to show with a default font in the event that useGoogleFonts fails.)


export function QuoteDetails(
  { quoteProperties }: QuoteDetailsProps
) {
  // ...
  // to avoid FOUT
  const textColor =
    font.status === GoogleFontsStatus.LOADING 
      ? colors.background 
      : colors.text;
  // ...
  return (

Font sizes

We’ll use media queries to manage the different font sizes for different screen widths.

Let’s enclose the Card in its own section (since we’ll have another section for the quote properties in a moment).


export function QuoteDetails(
  { quoteProperties }: QuoteDetailsProps
) {
  // ...
  return (
    <section className={styles.quoteCard}>

Then we can style the section with the specified font sizes. The card will inherit the font sizes from its parent section.


.quoteCard {
  font-size: 1.5rem;
@media (min-width: 50rem) {
  .quoteCard {
    font-size: 1.75rem;
@media (min-width: 68.75rem) {
  .quoteCard {
    font-size: 2rem;

Let’s fire up the server and get a quote. Check out the font! Not incredibly readable… but it’s an unusual font, just like I requested.

UI with a button to generate a random quote. A quote with pink-orange background and white cursive text is shown beneath the button.

4. Quote properties

Onward, to quote properties.

New section

Let’s create a new section, and add a wrapper div around both section in QuoteDetails.


export function QuoteDetails(
  { quoteProperties }: QuoteDetailsProps
) {
  // ...
  return (
    <div className={styles.wrapper}>
      <section className={styles.quoteCard}>
      <section className={styles.quoteStyles}>
        <h2>Quote Properties</h2>
        {/* properties go here */}

Add properties

Ok, let’s start adding the properties. A grid looks like a good call here for layout. Let’s start there:


export function QuoteDetails(
  { quoteProperties }: QuoteDetailsProps
) {
  // ...
  return (
    <div className={styles.wrapper}>
      {/* ... */}
      <section className={styles.quoteStyles}>
        <h2>Quote Properties</h2>
        <div className={styles.styleItemsGrid}>
          {/* properties go here */}


{/* ... */}
.styleItemsGrid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr;
  gap: 1rem;

This line is a little cryptic:

.styleItemsGrid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr;
  gap: 1rem;

It means “for the first column, take up as much room as needed for the content (but no more). For the second column, take up the rest of the room.”

New component

All right now for the actual properties. Since each property “row” has a lot in common, let’s create another new component called QuoteStyleItem, which we can re-use for every row. The files for this component go into the QuoteDisplay folder since the component is not useful outside of QuoteDisplay.

(If we ever wanted to use this same style table elsewhere in our app, we could refactor the whole table to be a its own generic component at the top level of src/components.)


import React from "react";
import styles from "./QuoteStyleItem.module.css";
type QuoteStyleItemProps = {
  name: string;
  value: string;
const QuoteStyleItem = ({ name, value }: QuoteStyleItemProps) => {
  return (
      <div className={styles.propertyTitle}>{name}</div>
export default QuoteStyleItem;

<> and </> are shorthand for React.Fragment . Those need to wrap the two divs so that the component returns a group of elements without adding a parent element that will show up in the DOM. This is important, because we need these elements to be separate for the grid to work correctly. To see what I mean, you can try using a div instead of <>, and observe the effect on the UI.


.propertyTitle {
  font-weight: bold;
  justify-self: right;

justify-self is a property for grid children that sets the horizontal justification. Since the default value is left, we don’t need to set justify-self explicitly for the “value” cell.

Put it all together

Let’s add the properties in QuoteDetails:


export function QuoteDetails(
  { quoteProperties }: QuoteDetailsProps
) {
  const { 
  } = quoteProperties;
  // ...
  return (
    <div className={styles.wrapper}>
      {/* ... */}
      <section className={styles.quoteStyles}>
        <h2>Quote Properties</h2>
        <div className={styles.styleItemsGrid}>

Let’s take a look at how we’re doing:

UI with a button to generate a random quote. A quote with light blue background and black text is shown beneath the button. Very close beneath the quote is a table with keys 'description', 'color' and 'font'.


It’s looking pretty good, but everything is kind of squished together horizontally.

We can add some flex styling to .wrapper to put space between the sections, and some styling to .quoteStyles to put some space between the heading and the table.


.wrapper {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  gap: 2rem;
{/* ... */}
.quoteStyles {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  gap: 1rem;
UI with a button to generate a random quote. A quote with light blue background and black text is shown beneath the button. With adequate space, beneath the quote is a table with keys 'description', 'color' and 'font'.

Ah, that leaves me feeling much more serene.

Up next

In the next (and final) workshop in this series, we’ll allow the user to enter their own quote, instead of using a random quote.

Workshops in this series

  1. OpenAI Node SDK
  2. Prompt engineering: color
  3. Apply color response
  4. Prompt engineering: quote cleanup and font
  5. Apply font response
  6. Quote entry (coming October 17, 2024)