Workshop context
Before this workshop
- In previous workshops in this series, we set up an OpenAI Node client, created a chat completion to generate a color appropriate to a quote, and applied that color to display the quote.
This workshop
- In this workshop, we’ll ask OpenAI to correct the grammar and gendered language for the quote, and to provide a font appropriate for the quote.
After this workshop
- In the next workshop, we’ll apply the font to the UI for the quote display.
Workshop goal
By the end of this workshop you should have:
- a response from the OpenAI SDK that includes:
- The quotation, with any grammar or gendered language corrected. An example of gendered language would be the word “men” in this quote: “Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in particular way.” Non-gendered language would replace “Men” with “People”.
- A Google font name suggestion for the quotation.
- an updated response returned by the
route handler that includes this new information.
Note: Since this workshop does not include any UI updates, you can either (temporarily) print the JSON reponse to the console to see the results, or access the endpoint ( http://localhost:3000/api/get-quote-styles ) from a browser.
Hint 1
As with the prompt for quote color, it takes some experimentation to get the prompt right. I’d recommend:- reading OpenAI’s prompt engineering tips and then trying different prompts in the ChatGPT interface until you find a prompt that consistently produces the output you want.
- providing examples in the prompt of the kind of response you’re looking for.
Hint 2
You’ll have to specify two new keys for OpenAI to add to the JSON output. I called these keys:corrected_quote
Hint 3
For the grammar, you might want to specify punctuation and capitalization as well.Hint 4
For the gendered language, you might want to give examples of what you’re looking for. Here are the examples I used:(for example, change "men" to "people", or change "father" to "parent")
Hint 5
I had trouble getting OpenAI to give me a font that fit the quotation. Here’s what I found that helped:- Ask OpenAI to specify three adjectives for the quote that justified the color it chose. I gave it an example of “bold, calm, professional” (which I took from entering a quote into ChatGPT and asking the same question!).
- Ask for a font that matches the three adjectives.
You don’t have to ask for the three adjectives in the returned JSON, but I did (I was curious!). I added a key to the JSON called description
Hint 6
I found that OpenAI was giving me the same common fonts over and over. I wanted more unusual fonts, so I specified that:Avoid common fonts like "Lato" and "Roboto".
Try to pick a more unusual font. Examples of
less common fonts: "Playfair Display",
"Marck Script", "Oswald", "Salsa"
- OpenAI Prompt Engineering