
React Components: Part 4 (Solution)

You can find a summary of the code updates in this pull request . Read on for explanations.

1. Card dimensions

Note: You will need to be logged in to Figma to examine the design as described below. You can log in via Google or create a free account.

The design has been specified in this Figma file . We can examine it to see what styles need to be applied.


To determine padding values, we can use Figma tools to find distances between the text and the surrounding button container. Instructions from the Figma Docs :

  1. Select the first object in the canvas.
  2. Hold down the modifier key:
    • Mac: ⌥ Option
    • Windows: Alt
  3. Hover over the second object.
  4. Figma will display a red line between the two objects, as well as horizontal and vertical measurements.

The resulting screen will look something like this:

Card mock-up with text selected, showing distances between the text and the card edges

From this we can determine that the padding is 16px, and we can add that to the .wrapper class in src/components/Card/Card.module.css:


.wrapper {
  padding: 16px;

Border radius

The “Properties” pane in Figma gives us the border radius dimension:

Card mock-up with background selected, showing corner radius

We can add that to the .wrapper class as well:


.wrapper {
  padding: 16px;
  border-radius: 16px;


Finally, the width has been specified as 100% of the container.


.wrapper {
  width: 100%;
  padding: 16px;
  border-radius: 16px;

2. Shadow

In the first workshop of this series, we created shadows using Josh W. Comeau’s Shadow Palette Generator . We added the shadows to src/app/globals.css, so they’re available for us to use via CSS custom properties .

The Figma description specified a “high” shadow, so we’ll add that to .wrapper:


.wrapper {
  width: 100%;
  padding: 16px;
  border-radius: 16px;
  box-shadow: var(--shadow-elevation-high);

3. Card colors

The style attribute helps with applying the props values as styles for the top-level article element.

We’ll create an object that contains CSS rules as key/value pairs. Any keys need to be translated from the kebab case used in CSS to camel case (for example background-color to backgroundColor). Then we can pass that object as the value for the style attribute.


function Card({
}: CardProps) {
  const colorStyles = {
    color: textColor,
  return (

Props conflict

This works well, as long as the consumer of the Card component doesn’t include any styles. Say the component is declared with styles, though, like this:

// the outer curly braces indicate a JSX expression, and the inner curly braces designate `{ margin: "1rem" }` as an object
<Card style={{ margin: "1rem" }}>
  Some content

This presents the same “props conflict” problem described in the third workshop of this series . In that case, There was a className prop coming in from ...delegated, and another className prop declared within the component.

In this case, the prop is style (not className), but the solution is the same: explicitly destructure the style prop and combine the incoming styles with the styles within the comopnent.

We can create a new object from the incoming style prop and the internal colorStyles object using the spread operator .


function Card({
}: CardProps) {
  const colorStyles = {
    color: textColor,
  return (
      className={clsx(styles.wrapper, className)} 
      style={{, ...colorStyles}}

Viewing the styles

To see whether the colors are behaving as we expect, we can add a Card to the Home component in src/app/page.tsx (which displays at the top level of the app).

Note: I used named web colors as prop values here, but you could use any valid color format .


import Card from "@/components/Card";
export default function Home() {
  return (
        Why do programmers confuse Halloween with 
        Christmas? Because OCT 31 = DEC 25.
Screenshot of a Card component with a purple background and light blue text

4. Text centering

The description of this specification (“center text shorter than one line, but don’t center text that spans multiple lines”) might indicate that there needs to be different styling for different length text. Separting the styles by text length sounds (to me, anyway) like a bit of a nightmare. How can you tell whether text takes up more than one line, especially when the Card takes up 100% of its container, whose width might change with the viewport?.

Center the text node

Fortunately, the CSS styles do not need to be different depending on the text length. Instead of centering the text, we’re going to center the text node. If the text node takes up less than 100% of the width, then the text will look like it’s centered. But if the text is long enough for more than one line, then the text node needs the full width of its container – and centering something that takes up the full width doesn’t change the position at all.

To visualize this, here’s an example of text node that doesn’t take up the full width of the card:

Browser dev tools highlighting that a text node with contents 'Short text' does not take up the entire width of its container

I’ve already set up the container to be a grid with the content centered (spoiler alert!) so that the browser tools provide an outline of the grid cell (a thin, faint, dashed red line that tightly contains the text).

Here’s the same example, but with longer text:

Browser dev tools highlighting that a text node with long text contents that takes up multiple lines in its container. The box around the text node is the same as the width of the container, minus padding

In this case, the multi-line text node is as wide as the usable width of the container (there’s some padding, so the text node doesn’t reach the edges of the container). Centering this node won’t move it on the page, because it’s already centered (with zero space on both the left and the right).

CSS solution

A great trick for centering content within a container (both horizontally and vertically) is display: grid; place-content: center. I use it all the time, and it will work well here (even though the container is vertically sized to fit the content, so the vertical centering isn’t technically needed.)


.wrapper {
  display: grid;
  place-content: center;
  width: 100%;
  padding: 16px;
  border-radius: 16px;
  box-shadow: var(--shadow-elevation-high);

We can verify that it works by adding another Card to page.tsx.


export default function Home() {
  return (
        Why do programmers confuse Halloween with Christmas?
        Because OCT 31 = DEC 25.
      <Card textColor="maroon" backgroundColor="floralwhite">
        Short text
Screenshot of two Card components, one with a purple background and two lines of light blue text, and one with a cream-colored background and two words of centered maroon-colored text

Up next

In the next workshop, you’ll use your Figma skills again in coding the Button component styles and variants.