
Next.js Data Fetching: Part 5

Workshop context

Before this workshop

  • In previous workshops, we created an endpoint and executed a fetch call to the endpoint upon button click. We also managed the loading and error states.

This workshop

  • In this workshop, we’re going to move the fetch and state logic a custom hook, so the Home component in page.tsx remains high-level: someone reading the component can get a big-picture view without having to read all the details.

After this workshop

  • In the next workshop, we’ll update the UI to conditionally display a loading spinner, the quote card, or an error card, depending on the state values.

Workshop goal

By the end of this workshop you will have a custom hook called useQuoteStyles that:

  • abstracts the state and data fetching logic from page.tsx.
  • returns an object that includes all state values and the handleClick function. You should rename the handleClick function to something that indicates what the function does, for better readability.


Hint 1 Start by creating a file for the custom hook. You might create it in src/hooks/use-quote-styles.ts.

Hint 2 Create a function called useQuoteStyles in use-quote-styles.ts (all hooks start with use ). Then move all the state and the handleClick function from page.tsx to useQuoteStyles.


// imports
function useQuoteStyles() {
  // state and logic here
  // return state and renamed handleClick function
export default useQuoteStyles;

Hint 3 You can destructure the state and renamed handleClick function (I renamed it fetchQuoteStyles) from the useQuoteStyles return value:


import useQuoteStyles from "@/hooks/use-quote-styles"
// ...
export default function Home() {
  const { status, error, quote, fetchQuoteStyles } = useQuoteStyles();
  // ...
